If you're a male, single and somewhere between 60 & 70 years of age, like me, you'll be feeling your mortality. Whether that be a little or a lot, as Captain Jean Luc Picard said, "I fear I have fewer summers ahead of me, than behind me". We all die, we all reach a mortal expiry date that none of us know. I note that Labor Party luminary Bill Hayden expired today at 90 yrs. Yet another sign-post along my own path. I grew up with the names of Whitlam, Hawke, Hayden, Crean as staples. Their passing is a notch on my own timestick.

For my own position, being between the aforementioned marker points, I can honestly say I don't fear the end of the existence. In fact, in a way I would welcome it, but that's because I'm a fatalist, having been diagnosed with chronic depression in 1993. My end doesn't frighten me, only it's form. Hopefully I'll go as my Dad did, in my sleep. Close eyes, turn lights out and move on to the next existence.

However, before leaving this one, this physical existence driven by pleasures of the flesh I would like to enjoy those pleasures a few more times while the physical body allows. To that end, I'm making contact with a couple of old flames with the intent - expressed clearly and with purpose - of getting between their legs, enjoying the feelings of the female body, the taste of a willing vulva, the kisses of a compliant woman and the peak of orgasm inside the warmth of a woman who wants the sensation. I am a hedonist at heart, I truly believe that we are physical beings with an evolved desire to experience the peaks of each gender's pleasure. When time becomes relevant, one must make decisions to ensure the most of the current existence is made.

Reposted from sandrn